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Stamp collecting and selling grabbed me more than 15 years ago. It felt like time travel on 2x2,5cm paper. And it felt good to share the experience.

One of the first stamps I sold was one military canceled French stamp Merson type. That stamp saw battle in WW1, with soldiers writing love letters from the frontline. The thought of it got me hooked.

I've worked with more than 3.000 clients. A lot of new collectors started their collections through me. A lot of veterans branched into collections they couldn't easily find.

Although you can get wide range of individual stamps and sets from me, I'm specialized mostly in France, Italy, Germany (areas, occupations and colonies), Austria and Hungary "Back of Book" and Serbia (Yugoslavia) area. Those collections are stories of old empires, conquest and changes. If that part of stamp universe attracts you, you are at the right place.

Right now I have more than 18.000 auctions, and I'm always going through my collections to find what's exciting to offer.

Feel free to browse what you can get from me at this time.


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