forum estimation

Estimate your collectables

You want to know the value of an item or a collection?

Delcampe gives you some hints!

The marketplace does not offer estimates as such.
However, the site can be a great help to get an idea.

computer gallery

Search for a similar item

Browse the various categories or make a keyword based search on our website to find items similar to yours.

Millions of collectibles are for sale on Delcampe. This means there is a good chance that you will find an item similar to yours either among the items for sale or the items sold in the past. Check it out and get an idea of its value.

Don't forget to look at the item condition as this can make a big difference to estimate an item.

Call on the Delcampers' community

On Delcampe, there are more than 1 million active users per month. Some of them will be able to help you thanks to our specialized forums.

By clicking on one of the icons below, you will be able to write a message and post one or more pictures of your item. In this way, collectors specialized in this field will help you to obtain a first estimate of your items.


Consult the quotation catalogues

Most collections have reference catalogues that can give an estimate of the price. One thinks of Yvert et Tellier, Stanley Gibbons, Michel or Scott for stamps. For coins, the most famous reference catalogues are Le Franc, Gadoury, Michel, Leuchtturm or Gigante, among others. Each collection has its own reference catalogues.

In the collection field you are interested in, visit the collection supplies category to find second-hand reference catalogues or contact the publishers of the catalogues you are looking for.

Browse the catalogues of the auction houses

Many internationally renowned auction houses offer their sales catalogues on Delcampe. These houses are experts in their field of collection.

You can use their starting price as a guide to set your own.

auction house

Put your item on sale on Delcampe!

Thousands of enthusiasts are waiting for your items to complete their collection., the collectors' marketplace is at your disposal.

Create your shop for free, determine your sales conditions and put your item on sale.

Check out our dedicated page for selling on Delcampe or our Help Centre to answer your questions.

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