Shipping after payment
Terms of payment:
All payments are made via Mangopay. No payments are made by cheque or bank transfer directly to the seller.
The buyer uses the payment methods available on Delcampe on the page"My purchases : Awaiting payment".
A payment that is not sent through Mangopay will be refunded by the seller to the buyer. An unpaid purchase may have consequences for the buyer's account.
If the seller's sales conditions include additional clauses relating to payment, these are to be considered null and void. The payment conditions of the Delcampe website, as defined in the conditions of use, are the only ones applicable.
Purchases must be paid for within 14 days of receipt of the final statement from the seller.
Please note my selling conditions as from March 2024.
By bidding you agree to these conditions.
- Mailing/delivery costs: Europe: up to 50gr 2,00
Overseas: up to 20gr 2.10, up to 50gr 2.50
The buyer has the choice to ask for registered mail at an additional cost of Euro 5.00. If buyer has not made this choice, the mailing takes place at buyer's risk.
BIC: ABNANL2A - IBAN: NL79ABNA0541853554 of J.M.J. Huisman at Bussum.
BIC TRWIBEB1XXX Iban BE83 9676 4534 5915
PLEASE READ HOW YOU CAN REDUCE THE FIXED FEES that are introduced by Delcampe.
I offer you the following solution herefor:
BEFORE making your bids you just give me ( a list of the items (minimum 5 items) that you want (Delcampe item # plus country) and I will reserve these items for you and group them together. I will then make a scan of the group of items and list it as one new item especially for you. I will let you know the item number and you can then make your bid hereon.
Making use of this combined listing there is no more 30c handling fee to be paid on each of the 5 individual items but only just 30c once: a list of 10 items would therefore save you Euro 2,70!!