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Verzend- en Administratiekosten - Frais d' envoie + Administration - Shipping and Administration costs
BELGIE - BELGIQUE - BELGIEN - BELGIUM - 50 gr 1.50 € + 50 gr portkosten B-Post - tarif B-Post - postage B Post
EUROPE - 50 gr 2,80 € + 50 gr portkosten B-Post - tarif B-Post - postage B Post
WORLD - 50 gr 3,00 € + 50 gr portkosten B-Post - tarif B-Post - postage B Post
Ik kan op geen enkele manier verantwoordelijk worden gesteld voor diefstal of verlies van mijn zendingen door de Belgische Post , voor dure stukken raad ik U ernstig "aangetekende én verzekerde" verzending aan (prijzen op aanvraag).
Je ne peux en aucun cas être tenu responsable de vol ou pertes de mes expéditions par la Poste Belge - Française ou autres pays. Je Vous conseille urgent de prendre expédtion "recommandée ét assurée" pour les pièces de grande valeur (prix sur demande).
I can not be hold responsable for expeditions that get stolen or lost by the Belgian Post or other Post offices, i do strongly advise "registred and insured " shipment for expensive purchases (prices on demand).
All payments are to be made via PayPal or Mangopay, depending on the possibilities offered by the seller. No payments are to be made by neither cheque, bank transfer nor cash directly to the seller.
A payment that is not sent through PayPal (if accepted by the seller) or Mangopay will be refunded by the seller to the buyer. An unpaid purchase may result in consequences to the buyer's account.
If the seller's sales conditions include additional clauses relating to payment, these are to be considered null and void. The payment conditions of the Delcampe website, as defined in the conditions of use, are the only ones applicable.
Purchases must be paid for within 14 days of receipt of the final statement from the seller.
Right of withdrawal
To find out about the return and refund time for the item, please see the Delcampe Charter.