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All payments are to be made via PayPal or Mangopay, depending on the possibilities offered by the seller. No payments are to be made by neither cheque, bank transfer nor cash directly to the seller.
A payment that is not sent through PayPal (if accepted by the seller) or Mangopay will be refunded by the seller to the buyer. An unpaid purchase may result in consequences to the buyer's account.
If the seller's sales conditions include additional clauses relating to payment, these are to be considered null and void. The payment conditions of the Delcampe website, as defined in the conditions of use, are the only ones applicable.
Purchases must be paid for within 14 days of receipt of the final statement from the seller.
Specific conditions
Pagamenti Accettati : Paypal Bonifico Bollettino Postale Postagiro Postepay
Si Consiglia l'invio del materiale acquistato tramite spedizione per Posta Raccomandata Tracciabile We recommend sending the purchased material by registered mail with tracking
Ma su richiesta dell'acquirente ed a suo completo RISCHIO posso anche spedire tramite posta4 ordinaria o posta1 prioritaria But at the request of the purchaser and at his full risk, I can also send by ordinary post or priority mail
Per più oggetti acquistati la spesa di spedizione viene calcolata una sola volta For more items purchased the cost of shipping is calculated only one
Di seguito le Spese di spedizione
Below are the shipping costs
Per l'Italia : 2,60 EURO per Posta4 ordinaria (a rischio dell'acquirente)
3,90 EURO per Posta1 prioritaria (a rischio dell'acquirente)
7,90 EURO per Posta raccomandata (con numero tracciabile)
For Europe : 3,50 EURO for Ordinary letter mail (you risk)
5,50 EURO for Priority letter mail (you risk)
9,50 EURO for Registered mail (with number trackable)
For Africa,Asia, America : 4,50 EURO for Ordinary letter mail (you risk)
6,50 EURO for Priority letter mail (you risk)
11,00 EURO for Registered mail (with number trackable)
For Oceania : 5,50 EURO for Ordinary letter mail (you risk)
7,50 EURO for Priority letter mail (you risk)
12,00 EURO for Registered mail (with number trackable)