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All payments are to be made via PayPal or Mangopay, depending on the possibilities offered by the seller. No payments are to be made by neither cheque, bank transfer nor cash directly to the seller.
A payment that is not sent through PayPal (if accepted by the seller) or Mangopay will be refunded by the seller to the buyer. An unpaid purchase may result in consequences to the buyer's account.
If the seller's sales conditions include additional clauses relating to payment, these are to be considered null and void. The payment conditions of the Delcampe website, as defined in the conditions of use, are the only ones applicable.
Purchases must be paid for within 14 days of receipt of the final statement from the seller.
Right of withdrawal
To find out about the return and refund time for the item, please see the Delcampe Charter.
1 - 20 g. - 1.90 EURO 21 - 50 g. - 3.40 EURO 51 - 100 g. - 4.50 EURO 101 - 250 g. - 7.90 EURO 251 - 500 g. - 13.90 EURO 500 - 1000 g. - 19.90 EURO
Andere Länder / Other Countries / Altri paesi / Autres pays
1 - 20 g. - 2.50 EURO 21 - 50 g. - 4.50 EURO 51 – 100 g. - 6.90 EURO 101 - 250 g. - 11.90 EURO 251 - 500 g. - 17.90 EURO 500 - 1000 g. - 29.90 EURO
Einschreibegebühr / Registered Mail / Posta Raccomandata / Courrier Recommandé
+ 7.00 EUR0
Nicht eingeschrieben - Auf Ihr eigenes Risiko / Not registered - on your own risk / Non raccomandato - a vostro rischio / pas recommandée - sur leur propre risque
Zolldeklaration erfolgt via EAD und zum tatsächlichen Warenwert, da die Schweiz kein Mitglied der EU ist können je nach Land des Empfängers auch Zollgebühren anfallen / Customs declaration is handled with EAD at the actual value of the items, as Switzerland isn't part of the UE therefore depending on the country of the recipient custom duties may arises / La dichiarazione dogana viene fatta tramite EAD con il valore realre degli articoli. La Svizzera non è parte della UE per quel motivo anche spesi di dogana possono risultare per il cliente / La déclaration en douane se fait à l'aide d'EAD avec le valeur réel des articles. La Suisse n'est pas part de la UE pour cette raison c'est possible que droits douaniers peut résulter pour le client.
Ich akzeptiere keine Bezahlung mit Briefmarken oder Schecks! I don't accept payment in stamps or cheques! Non acceto il pagamento con francobolli o con assegni ! Je n'accepte pas le payment en timbres ou avec cheques!