Dear collectors Israeli guy with nickname - haim -

  • gosep

    3 messages


    Dear collectors
    Israeli guy with nickname - haim - died last Friday of cancer Please note - there is a message Bcolnt - for sellers and buyers who sold and bought his soul will be in heaven must notify the manager Dlkmfi of closure to their attention. Forgiveness Nifgano him or he hit us that God will give no rest garden of Eden.
    maier awasker
  • wycombe1

    1859 messages


    Dear collectors
    Israeli guy with nickname - haim - died last Friday of cancer Please note - there is a message Bcolnt - for sellers and buyers who sold and bought his soul will be in heaven must notify the manager Dlkmfi of closure to their attention. Forgiveness Nifgano him or he hit us that God will give no rest garden of Eden.
    maier awasker
    • Posté le 1 avr. 2013 à 15:30
    • #442438
    Rest in Peace Haim.

    My condolences to his friends and family.

    Though I did not know him personally Haim was a previous customer of mine and it is always sad to hear of previous contacts fading away.
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    Rest in Peace Haim.

    My condolences to his friends and family.

    Though I did not know him personally Haim was a previous customer of mine and it is always sad to hear of previous contacts fading away.
    • Posté le 1 avr. 2013 à 17:54
    • #442451
    Les informations ne sont plus disponibles car le compte de cet utilisateur est supprimé (Règlement RGPD)

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