What is going on

  • greggm

    11 messages

    United Kingdom

    I have been selling stamps on here for about eight years. In all that time I cannot remember a day when I did not sell something or at least took a bid. During that time I have sold about 19,000 items. Since the introduction of the new pricing structure my sales have almost dried up with about 10 sales this month. I have not had a sale in the last week and currently have three items with bids. My income will not cover the delcampe fees this month and no sign it will pick up. Is Delcampe under financial pressure or were they just being greedy. With the state of the world as it is I think an increase somewhere could have been expected and we would have just lived with it but this seems to be a kiss of death. The accounting system is terrible with the seller looking like their income is going to be inflated by including the buyers fees. The buyers are just seeing inflated prices, I know someone suggested reducing our price to keep the total asking price down but why should we. If delcampe is keeping track of the forums then I implore them to think again. This is killing what seemed to be a good site. Act now before it is too late.
  • marionfeather

    6 messages

    United Kingdom

    same here :no:
  • grantlambert

    6 messages


    same here.
  • richnoddystamps

    224 messages

    United Kingdom

    My sales in April were down by about one-third over the previous month but seem to be levelling up this month indicating that buyers are starting to accept the changes.

    Delcampe accounts for about 30% of my sales wheras my own website sells over double the amount each month. As I am liked to Delcampe by API it is not possible to reduce Delcampe sale prices without affecting my own web prices where items are selling regularly. This is an issue Delcampe have perhaps overlooked.

    I shall be using the savings on seller costs to create online advertising to increas traffic to my website which will, over a few months wean buyers off delcampe and straight on to my own site where they can buy the same items but with no premium.

    Delcampe has been a good servant over the 20 odd years I have been a member.
  • moonstone

    978 messages

    United Kingdom

    My sales in April were down by about one-third over the previous month but seem to be levelling up this month indicating that buyers are starting to accept the changes.

    Delcampe accounts for about 30% of my sales wheras my own website sells over double the amount each month. As I am liked to Delcampe by API it is not possible to reduce Delcampe sale prices without affecting my own web prices where items are selling regularly. This is an issue Delcampe have perhaps overlooked.

    I shall be using the savings on seller costs to create online advertising to increas traffic to my website which will, over a few months wean buyers off delcampe and straight on to my own site where they can buy the same items but with no premium.

    Delcampe has been a good servant over the 20 odd years I have been a member.
    • Created on May 14, 2024 at 8:05 AM
    • #1742468
    Your experience with sales is pretty well mirrored with me, with reasonable sales of higher value items, perhaps because the 27p item fee isn’t so relevant, and buyers are to an extent, accepting the 10%, we’ll see how that goes over the next while.
  • cassander_thucelius

    1337 messages


    "why should we" - because the buyer now pays the fees
  • richnoddystamps

    224 messages

    United Kingdom

    "why should we" - because the buyer now pays the fees
    • Created on May 14, 2024 at 8:29 AM
    • #1742489
    It is not so simple. I sell very many stamps on my own website at the same "sellers price" on delcampe. With an API connection, if i reduce my delcampe sale prices then my entire stock on my own website will automatically reduce also, which is totally unnecessary as items sell there in the 1000's every month. It is not necessary to reduce on delcampe as it only provides a small part of my overall selling income.
  • greggm

    11 messages

    United Kingdom

    "why should we" - because the buyer now pays the fees
    • Created on May 14, 2024 at 8:29 AM
    • #1742489
    Yes it true the buyer now pays a platform fee but don't forget we are now going to have to pay a flat fee per month for the pleasure. Now if sales go back to the way they were then fine but at the moment there is not too much evidence of that. With over 42,000 items I cannot reduce to below 10,000 meaning I have to pay the fee even if my sales are at rock bottom. Time will tell if the sales return then a reduction of the cost is a consideration. Note Delcampe are not saying to me you do not have to pay the fee until your sales return, an yet it is their changes that have put me in this position.
  • crazyrebel

    47 messages

    United Kingdom

    seems like delcampe fat cats want a guaranteed income , seems like sellers and buyers pay the cost, dropped to below 10.000 because the current sales do not justify paying the extra to keep them on, if it picks up i may reconsider but in the meantime i have a csv folder with all my closed auctions on now
  • lochinvar

    18 messages


    I have given up with Delcampe, really gone to the dogs
    :d-unhappy: :d-unhappy:
  • jasond1967

    1 message


    I have been selling stamps on here for about eight years. In all that time I cannot remember a day when I did not sell something or at least took a bid. During that time I have sold about 19,000 items. Since the introduction of the new pricing structure my sales have almost dried up with about 10 sales this month. I have not had a sale in the last week and currently have three items with bids. My income will not cover the delcampe fees this month and no sign it will pick up. Is Delcampe under financial pressure or were they just being greedy. With the state of the world as it is I think an increase somewhere could have been expected and we would have just lived with it but this seems to be a kiss of death. The accounting system is terrible with the seller looking like their income is going to be inflated by including the buyers fees. The buyers are just seeing inflated prices, I know someone suggested reducing our price to keep the total asking price down but why should we. If delcampe is keeping track of the forums then I implore them to think again. This is killing what seemed to be a good site. Act now before it is too late.
    • Created on May 13, 2024 at 8:55 AM
    • #1741829
    10% added to purchases by Delcampe are chasing buyers away. I can't afford to pay this charge.
  • baifeiyun1

    11 messages


    :whiteflag: :whiteflag: :whiteflag: :whiteflag: :whiteflag:
  • leodaguila

    2 messages


    Yes it true the buyer now pays a platform fee but don't forget we are now going to have to pay a flat fee per month for the pleasure. Now if sales go back to the way they were then fine but at the moment there is not too much evidence of that. With over 42,000 items I cannot reduce to below 10,000 meaning I have to pay the fee even if my sales are at rock bottom. Time will tell if the sales return then a reduction of the cost is a consideration. Note Delcampe are not saying to me you do not have to pay the fee until your sales return, an yet it is their changes that have put me in this position.
    • Created on May 14, 2024 at 6:53 PM
    • #1742828
    this is getting worse than the old site
  • leodaguila

    2 messages


    this is getting worse than the old site
    • Created on May 19, 2024 at 11:28 AM
    • #1746602
    I meant E-bay . which most of us left years ago
  • Karina63

    188 messages


    I have been selling stamps on here for about eight years. In all that time I cannot remember a day when I did not sell something or at least took a bid. During that time I have sold about 19,000 items. Since the introduction of the new pricing structure my sales have almost dried up with about 10 sales this month. I have not had a sale in the last week and currently have three items with bids. My income will not cover the delcampe fees this month and no sign it will pick up. Is Delcampe under financial pressure or were they just being greedy. With the state of the world as it is I think an increase somewhere could have been expected and we would have just lived with it but this seems to be a kiss of death. The accounting system is terrible with the seller looking like their income is going to be inflated by including the buyers fees. The buyers are just seeing inflated prices, I know someone suggested reducing our price to keep the total asking price down but why should we. If delcampe is keeping track of the forums then I implore them to think again. This is killing what seemed to be a good site. Act now before it is too late.
    • Created on May 13, 2024 at 8:55 AM
    • #1741829
    Fully agree !
    Customers are fleeing the scene like ants to a fire and there is no knowing if or when they'll return.
    Indeed customers have the idea our prices have gone up like rockets , in my case most of them small prices ( 30 cents to 100 cents ) up to 50 % !
    People are quiet aware platform fees need to be paid but no where (I know) are they included into the seller's price, platform prices need to be well published and crystal clear ! and calculated at the invoice. In this case, where there were huge adaptions and changes to the marketplace (from seller's paying the fees to buyers), they could have made the transform more fluidly by adding these platform costs after invoice ( as does Catawiki f.e.) so the customers at least could see prices have kept stable... Now people have no clue whatsoever...
    Greetz, K
  • sammlerkalle

    747 messages


    Yes, it's dramatic. I had previously suspected that there would be a significant decrease when buyer fees were introduced. But I had no idea that it would be so obvious. Delcampe has roughly doubled the fees, but is no longer taking in any more. They have to pay the new extra money to pay for the supposedly free Mangopay. So nothing remains of the markup. And if the sales figures now fall by half, Delcampe will also have significantly less income than before. Actually, they've probably wanted to introduce subscriptions for a long time, but I get the impression that they don't have the courage to do it. Because then it is to be expected that more and more sellers will either disappear completely or significantly reduce the number of offers they offer, which will lead to a further decline in sales. I ask myself what Delcampe will do then. Will staff be laid off on a large scale to save money? In any case, that means further declining income for Delcampe. Luckily, Decampe is just a business partner and service provider and not a personal friend. So it's not my job to worry about it. I just need to look for new sales channels.
  • Picturepostcardsonline

    34 messages

    United Kingdom

    I think the worst is yet to come over the next 3 months when shop fees are introduced and it can clearly be seen what percentage is been taken on sold items against the shop fee. Like many other sellers I've decided to hang on to all my listings and adding new stock as before the changes but the shop fee as a percentage will probably be higher than ebay. Sales vastly reduced and to be honest no reason to see why buyers will increase. That's when Delcampe will loose listings in a big way. I hope I'm wrong.
  • crazyrebel

    47 messages

    United Kingdom

    well pretty much like other sellers, not much movement at all on my site. already moving stuff over to the other expensive site having dropped off 8.000 listings, maybe just settle for under 10.000 for a while to see how it tickles, already paying shop fees
  • edwardsmith1

    3 messages

    United States

    I'm afraid it appears some of the sellers don't want to sell anything. I'm bidding on 6 or 7 stamps from one seller with most of the stamps under €1 and so far I'm the only bidder and he just shortened the time to the close of the auction and he's now claiming these stamps are so desirable that he has to charge premium shipping.
  • greggm

    11 messages

    United Kingdom

    I'm afraid it appears some of the sellers don't want to sell anything. I'm bidding on 6 or 7 stamps from one seller with most of the stamps under €1 and so far I'm the only bidder and he just shortened the time to the close of the auction and he's now claiming these stamps are so desirable that he has to charge premium shipping.
    • Created on May 25, 2024 at 5:35 AM
    • #1749983
    That sounds like he has just broken most of the rules about selling on here. If that happened to me I would cancel my bid/order. You cannot change the rules of the sale once it has started.
  • edwardsmith1

    3 messages

    United States

    That sounds like he has just broken most of the rules about selling on here. If that happened to me I would cancel my bid/order. You cannot change the rules of the sale once it has started.
    • Created on May 25, 2024 at 7:02 AM
    • #1750010
    How do you cancel your bid/oder? He told me I could cancel my purchase option but once I called him out he recanted on that.
  • crazyrebel

    47 messages

    United Kingdom

    23.000.000 stamps on delcampe a few days ago, now all i see is 4,104,127 items found, thats a big drop but then again no sales to date why hang around
  • richnoddystamps

    224 messages

    United Kingdom

    H have made no changes to my listings whatsoever and my sales have increased to the second best month since January, after a drop off in April. I suspect buyers will just accept the extra charges and continue to collect. I have seen a huge spike in lower offers, very few of which I have accepted as some buyers try to recoup their buyer surcharge, but those aside my sales are increasing nicely.
  • wycombe1

    1859 messages

    United Kingdom

    H have made no changes to my listings whatsoever and my sales have increased to the second best month since January, after a drop off in April. I suspect buyers will just accept the extra charges and continue to collect. I have seen a huge spike in lower offers, very few of which I have accepted as some buyers try to recoup their buyer surcharge, but those aside my sales are increasing nicely.
    • Created on May 28, 2024 at 5:48 PM
    • #1751564
    My sales have also bucked the trend. But I am wary to draw any conclusions yet into this as I was in hospital for more than four weeks and then I had a considerable increase in sales due to getting some very scarce phonecard stocks from Guinea Bissau that sold like the proverbial hot cakes.

    But I do believe that after all the knee jerk reactions, gnashing of teeth and howls of anguish that most will come back to Delcampe simply because the competition is too expensive and restrictive (like eBay) or have no or few sales (like Ebid).

    Only time will tell.
  • crazyrebel

    47 messages

    United Kingdom

    how much is it if you wish to list more than 10.000 now

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