Delcampe - Best marketplace for collectible passports

  • Roterosen

    89 messages


    Being a seasoned collector, I can confidently affirm that DC currently stands out as the premier marketplace for enthusiasts seeking vintage passports. The competing platform in the United States has grown excessively stringent. DC, on the other hand, adheres to a collector-friendly policy that diligently respects prevailing laws.

    Whenever someone seeks a reliable source, my top recommendation is Delcampe.

    However, it's crucial to acknowledge that the passport collectors' market has been facing challenges, and this isn't a recent development. The graph below illustrates the current volume of sold items within this category.

    I appreciate the enhanced data retention for sold items, providing a transparent representation of their frequency (rarity) and the prices they command. Notably, unsold items are no longer factored into the display.

    Cheers, Tom
  • Roterosen

    89 messages


    Btw, the most expensive passport sold in 2023, so far, was at €1100. The years before have seen higher results. In 2021, e.g. at €1580. Of course, passport collecting is a tiny niche compared to stamps, coins or banknotes.
  • Roterosen

    89 messages


    Btw, the most expensive passport sold in 2023, so far, was at €1100. The years before have seen higher results. In 2021, e.g. at €1580. Of course, passport collecting is a tiny niche compared to stamps, coins or banknotes.
    • Created on Dec 6, 2023 at 9:21 PM
    • #1640397
    The passport collectors market remains flat. Sold quantity seems to increase but the prices not so much. The new DC changes will have surely also an impact. The outlook for this market in 2024 looks further grim.

    What do you think?

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