Novo Preços desde 01.03.2024
New Fees since 01.03.2024
Nouveaux prix des le 01.03.2024
Até 100 grs. - 1,38€ por correio normal: 4,10€ por correio registado
de 101 a 500 grs. - 2.05€ por correio normal: 4,80€ por correio registrado
De 501grs a 2 Kg - 4.85€ por correio normal: 7.80€ por correio registado
until 100 grs. 2.35€ normal and 6,65€ registered/recommandé;
101 to 250 grs. 3.85€ normal and 7.75€ registered/recommandé;
251 to 500grs. 6.40€ normal and 9.95€ registered/recommandé;
501 to 1 Kg. 9.85€ normal and 13.95€ registered/recommande;
1Kg to 2 Kg. 16.70€ normal and 20.85€ registered/recommendé
Rest of the World/Autres Pays du Monde
until 100grs. 3.15€ normal and 6.70€ registered/recommandé;
101 to 250 grs. 5.32€ normal and 9.25€ registered/recommandé;
251 to 500 grs. 9.70€ normal and 13.70€ registered/recommandé;
501 to 1Kg. 17.70€ normal and 22.55€ registered/recommandé;
1Kg to 2Kg 28.90€ normal and 34.60€ registered/recommadé
For more than 20€ by sending registered mail is desirable. For more than 40€ shipping purchases is automatically recommended.
Sending recommended is at the risk of the purchaser.
Pour des achats supérieurs à 20€ l'envoi par recommandé est souhaitable. Pour des achats supérieurs à 40€ l'envoi se fait automatiquement par recommandé.
Sending by normal, unregistered mail is at buyer's own risk.
Envoi par courrier normal sera toujours de la responsabilité de l'acheteur.