Please note:All deliveries with a total value of $30 or more will be registered at buyers' cost.
Costs for ordinary mail within Europe will be (based on Euro-$ of 1February 2018) $1.8 less than 50grams).Outside Europe it will be $2,35 for less than 50 grams. Insured mail starts at $6.90in Europe and $7.40outside of Europe but depends on weight and value and area.If any questions about shipping,please write me and I will check into individual shipments.The fees here listed are those regarding only postage fees.Please note:The seller is NOT responsible for lots sent by regular mail.If the buyer wishes insurance ,please state this before paying.Normally we do not have problems but I wish to avoid any future problems or dissatisfaction.Thank you for your understanding.Barrosam
Condizioni particolari:
.I am not responsible for lots NOT insured and require insurance for all lots of $30 or more.Lots for less than $30 will be sent at buyers risk with regular mail.I also accept dollar checks drawn on U.S.banks but will only mail lots after the check has cleared.However,if you near a Wells Fargo bank,direct deposit is also possible.If sending cash,please insure or register the letter and pack well.
For European customers:
When using BIC-IBAN,please be sure the bank accepts my information below AND please pay BIC-IBAN in Euros only.(See below for BIC-IBAN)
Name:Barry Hohmann
Deutsche Bank
BLZ | 37070024 |
IBAN | DE62370700240597893700 |
Gilt nur für Konto-Nummer | 5978937 00 |
If the lot costs more than $30,I will request it be insured at buyers cost.Depending on country and weight,the cost will probably range from 3euros(regular size 20grams)to about 5Euros for larger (as sheets)items.
I also recommend waiting and combining several lots so you can save postage fees if the lot is less than $5.00.
If the item is not as described,money will be refunded if notified within 14days.If an item needs expertizing,please contact me first.Usually,I allow 3 months time.
For items needing expertization,I will refund the cost of the item up to 3months after the Delcampe date of sale.If buyer feels more time is needed,please contact me within the 3months after the sale.
Se habla español.Man spricht Deutsch.For our French customers,you can write in French (my wife is translator for me)but I must answer in one of the other 3 languages.