There are several ways to see your items for sale.


Via the store

  1. Click on "Sell"
  2. Click on "See my store"

    Tip: if your nickname is "delcampe987", the link to your store is:

Your store’s homepage will be displayed. This page enables you to see all or selected items for sale (you can display them by selecting specific categories or subcategories). The categories in which you have items for sale will be displayed.

  • For an overall view, click on mceclip0.png
  • To display the items in a main category, click on mceclip1.png
  • To display all of the items in a subcategory, click on it



Tip: You can also display the items in your store based on a specific sort selection.

Via the “My items for sale: In progress” page

  1. Go to My items for sale: Currently running.
  2. You can sort your sales by:


  • Check that this is the default filter.
  • Click on the icon Capture_bouton_fl_ches.PNG in the first column to sort the titles by increasing or decreasing order.

Item number

  • Click on mceclip2.png
  • Select in the scrolling menu mceclip3.png
  • Click on the icon Capture_bouton_fl_ches.PNG in the first column to sort the titles in increasing or decreasing order.

End date

  • Click on Capture_bouton_fl_ches.PNG in the "End date" column to sort sales from newest to oldest and vice-versa.

Personal reference

  • Click on 
  • mceclip2.png
  • Next, click on mceclip4.png
  • Click on the icon Capture_bouton_fl_ches.PNG in the first column to sort the titles in increasing or decreasing order.

Tip: Club+ Gold members can sort by personal reference.